API Docs for:

datatable Module

This module provides the following classes:

This module is a rollup of the following modules:

  • formatters
    Define a "named" Column Formatters object and attach it to the Y.DataTable namespace. The named formatters are defined as a series of format strings that are typically used by the data formatting function Y.DataType.Number.format and Y.DataType.Date.format. The function [namedFormatter](#method_namedFormatter) is defined that can be used to call as a column formatter which formats the column cell using the [formatStrings](#property_formatStrings) object. This module includes an override of the [Y.DataTable.BodyView._createRowHTML](#method_Y.DataTable.BodyView._createRowHTML) method. Therefore implementers shouldn't call the namedFormatter method directly because the overridden method handles the call if the entered formatter string name is recognized. ###Usage The format string names can be used in a column configuration object as follows; var dt1 = new Y.DataTable({ data: some_data, columns: [ { key:"start_date", label:"Start", formatter:"fullDate" }, { key:"end_date", label:"End", formatter:"default", formatOptions:{ type:'date', formatConfig:{ format:'%F' } } }, { key:"qty", label:"Inventory Qty", formatter:"comma" }, { key:"cost", label:"Carried Cost", formatter:"currency", formatConfig:{ prefix:'£', thousandsSeparator:","} } ] }).render(); ####Pre-Defined formatStrings settings; (specifically, Y.DataTable.Formatters.formatStrings) For "number" formatting, using [Y.DataType.Number](http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/api/classes/DataType.Number.html#method_format).
    stringFormatter ObjectFormatted Example
    general{ decimalPlaces:0 }123457
    general2{ decimalPlaces:2 }123456.79
    currency{ prefix:'$', decimalPlaces:0, thousandsSeparator:',' }$ 123,457
    currency2{ prefix:'$', decimalPlaces:2, thousandsSeparator:',' }$ 123,456.78
    currency3{ prefix:'$', decimalPlaces:3, thousandsSeparator:',' }$ 123,457.789
    comma{ decimalPlaces:0, thousandsSeparator:','}123,457
    comma2{ decimalPlaces:2, thousandsSeparator:','}123,456.78
    comma3{ decimalPlaces:3, thousandsSeparator:','}123,457.789
    For "date" formatting, using [Y.DataType.Date](http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/api/classes/DataType.Date.html#method_format).
    (Please refer to the Date.format method above for the proper use of "strftime" format strings)
    stringFormatter ObjectFormatted Example
    shortDate{ format:'%D' }03/12/92
    longDate{ format:'%m/%d/%Y' }03/12/1992
    fullDate{ format:'%B %e, %Y' }March 12, 1992
    isoDate{ format:'%F'}1992-03-12
    isoDateTime{ format:'%FT%T'}1992-03-12T22:11:07
    ####Replaceable Hash This utility can also replace the cell value with values from a data hash (i.e. JS simple object, consisting of key:value pairs). Access to this capability is by providing a formatter as any string not-recognizable in the formatStrings object **AND** by providing a formatConfig object (equal to the hash) in the column definition. ####User-Defined formatStrings Implementers may add their "named" own formatting strings for their own use-cases simply by adding more named formatters to the formatStrings object as; Y.DataTable.Formatters.formatStrings['myNumberFmtr'] = { type:'number', formatConfig:{ thousandsSeparator:'x', decimalPlaces:11 } }; Y.DataTable.Formatters.formatStrings['myDateFmtr'] = { type:'date', formatConfig:{ format:{ "At the tone the TIME will be %T" } };