API Docs for: undefined

File: js/picklist.js

 * PickList Widget :
 * Requires:  3.5.0pr2 at least, "event", "button", "cssbutton"
 * @module gallery-picklist 
    var Lang 		= Y.Lang,
        fnReplacer 	= Lang.sub;

 * @class PickList
 * @extends Widget
     function PickList(config) {
        PickList.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

    PickList.NAME = "picklist";

    PickList.ATTRS = {

	     The Array to populate the SELECT / OPTIONS on the left-side, herein referred to
	     as "options" in this widget.
	     Elements of this array aren't required to have members { text:'', value:''}, 
	     if the members are different they can be mapped to the expected settings using 
	     the "optionsMap" attribute. 
	     If the members of this array are non-object single-items, they are assumed to be 
	     the "text" item, and the "value" will also be set to this item.
	     @attribute options
	     @type {Array}
	     @default []
		options : {
        	value : 	[], 
        	validator : Lang.isArray

	     The Array to populate the SELECT / OPTIONS on the right-side, herein referred 
	     to as "selected" in this widget.  For example, if a FORM is opened with default 
	     multi-selected items, they would be provided in this attribute as an array.
	     Elements of this array aren't required to have members { text:'', value:''}, 
	     if the members are different they can be mapped to the expected settings using 
	     the "optionsMap" attribute. 

	     If the members of this array are non-object single-items, they are assumed to be 
	     the "text" item, and the "value" will also be set to this item.
	     @attribute selected
	     @type {Array}
	     @default []
        selections : {
        	value : 	[],
        	validator : Lang.isArray

	     An object having members "value, text, title" that defines the mapping 
	     between the provided "options" array data and the expected parameters of 
	     the JavaScript new Option('text', 'value').
	     @attribute optionsMap
	     @type {Object}
	     @default { value:'value', text:'text', title:'title' }
        optionsMap : {
        	value : 	{ value:'value', text:'text', title:'title' },
        	writeOnce : true,
        	validator:	function(o) {
        					if ( !Lang.isObject(o) ) return false;
        					if ( o.text && !o.value ) 
        						o.value = 'value';
        					else if ( o.value && !o.text )
        						o.text = 'text';
        					if ( !o.title ) o.title = 'title';
        					return true; 
	     Classname to be applied to the "options" <SELECT> element, usually used to 
	     specify the "width" of the element. 
	     @attribute optClassName
	     @type {String}
	     @default ''
   		optClassName : {
        	value : 	'',
        	validator : Lang.isString

	     Classname to be applied to the "selected" <SELECT> element, usually used to 
	     specify the "width" of the element. 
	     @attribute selClassName
	     @type {String}
	     @default ''
   		selClassName : {
        	value : 	'',
        	validator : Lang.isString
	     The DOM ID element of the "template" to be used for defining the OPTIONS, SELECTIONS, 
	     and the BUTTONS.
	     Expected replacable placeholder tokens positioned within the "template" are identified as;
	     	{OPTIONS_CONTAINER}		:  Left-hand side "Options" <select> placeholder
	     	{SELECTIONS_CONTAINER}	:  Right-hand side "Selected" <select> placeholder
	     	{ACTION_ALL}			:  Placeholder for the "Add All" button
 	     	{ACTION_ONE}			:  Placeholder for the "Add One" button
	     	{ACTION_BACK}			:  Placeholder for the "Remove One" button
	     	{ACTION_ALLBACK}		:  Placeholder for the "Remove All" button
	     @attribute template
	     @type {String}
	     @default ''
        template : {
        	value : 	'',
        	validator : Lang.isString

	     Attribute allows specifying the "button" type to be used during construction of the
	     Widget template.  Currently supported are HTML <button>, a Y.Button object, a Y.Button 
	     CSSButton, and a simple HTML <a> link.
	     Recognized settings are 'htmlbutton', 'ybutton', 'cssbutton', 'link'
	     @attribute buttonType
	     @type {String}
	     @default 'htmlbutton'
		buttonType : {
			value : 	'htmlbutton',		
			writeOnce:	true,
			validator : function(o) {
							if ( Lang.isString(o) ) {
								if ( o.search(/htmlbutton|ybutton|cssbutton|link/i) !== -1) 
									return true;
							return false;

	     The source "ID" of the container for this widget, REQUIRED. 
	     @attribute srcNode
	     @type {String}
	     @default null
		srcNode : {
			value : 	null,
			validator : Lang.isString,
			writeOnce:	true	

	     The number of options to display in the left and right side SELECT / OPTIONS control.
	     @attribute selectSize
	     @type {Int}
	     @default 10
        selectSize : {
        	value : 	10,
        	validator : Lang.isNumber

	     The default "width" style of the left and right side SELECT / OPTIONS control.
	     @attribute selectSize
	     @type {String}
	     @default '9em'
        selectWidth : {
        	value : 	'9em',
        	validator : Lang.isString

	     A flag setting for enabling "stack" mode of this widget.  In "stack" mode 
	     the JS Options are moved from left-to-right individually, so that they can't 
	     be re-used inadvertantly.  
	     For example, "Add One" from the left option MOVES the option to the right-side 
	     "selections".  If "Remove One" is chosen, the right-side selected item is returned
	     to the bottom of the left-hand side options.  (Can't currently return it to the 
	     index of where it came from ... see "preserveOrder"). 
	     @attribute stackMode
	     @type {Boolean}
	     @default false
		stackMode : {
			value : 	false,
			writeOnce:	true,
			validator : Lang.isBoolean

	     A flag setting for preserving the original order of the options, when add or 
	     remove actions are taken.   With "preserveOrder" false, all items are added to the 
	     bottom of the left / right side HTML SELECT / OPTIONS.  If set to TRUE, the 
	     options are returned to proper order from the original "options" setting.
	     This only has relevance when "stackMode" is TRUE.

	     @attribute preserveOrder
	     @type {Boolean}
	     @default false
		preserveOrder : {
			value : 	false,
			writeOnce : true,
			validator : Lang.isBoolean	
	     The label to be used for the BUTTON face for "Add All" action. 
	     @attribute actionLabelAll
	     @type {String}
	     @default 'Add All'
		actionLabelAll : {
        	value : 	'Add All', 
        	validator : Lang.isString

	     The label to be used for the BUTTON face for "Add One" action. 
	     @attribute actionLabelOne
	     @type {String}
	     @default 'Add'
		actionLabelOne : {
        	value : 	'Add',
        	validator : Lang.isString

	     The label to be used for the BUTTON face for "Remove" action. 
	     @attribute actionLabelRmv
	     @type {String}
	     @default 'Remove'
		actionLabelRmv : {
        	value : 	'Remove',
        	validator : Lang.isString

	     The label to be used for the BUTTON face for "Remove All" action. 
	     @attribute actionLabelRmvAll
	     @type {String}
	     @default 'Remove All'
		actionLabelRmvAll : {
        	value : 	'Remove All',
        	validator : Lang.isString

    PickList.INPUT_CLASS = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName( PickList.NAME, "value");

    Y.extend( PickList, Y.Widget, {

	/*  Define some static properties  */
		 * The default "template" to use for rendering of this widget.
		 * @property TMPL_control
		 * @type String
		 * @protected
		TMPL_control:   '<table><tr><td valign="top">Available:<br/>{OPTIONS_CONTAINER}</td><td valign="middle">'
						+'{ACTION_ALL}<br/>{ACTION_ONE}<br/>{ACTION_BACK}<br/>{ACTION_ALLBACK}</td><td valign="top">'
		 * The template to use for constructing the HTML <SELECT> elements for left/right side 
		 * @property TMPL_inputs
		 * @type String
		 * @protected
		TMPL_inputs :	'<select size="{size}" class="{className}" multiple="1"></select>',

		 * The template to use for constructing the HTML <BUTTON> elements within 
		 * the widget (for buttonType='htmlbutton' or 'ybutton')
		 * @property TMPL_button
		 * @type String
		 * @protected
		TMPL_button :	'<button class="{className}">{content}</button>',

		 * The template to use for constructing the HTML <button> elements within 
		 * the widget (for buttonType='cssbutton') 
		 * @property TMPL_cssbtn
		 * @type String
		 * @protected
        TMPL_cssbtn : 	'<button class="yui3-button {className}">{lcontent}<span class="yui3-button-icon yui3-button-icon-{subName}"></span>{rcontent}</button>',

		 * The template to use for constructing the HTML <A> elements within 
		 * the widget (for buttonType='link') 
		 * @property TMPL_alink
		 * @type String
		 * @protected
		TMPL_alink  :	'<a class="{className}" href="javascript:void(0);">{content}</a>',

		 * @property CLASS_ACTION
		 * @type Object
		 * @private
        CLASS_ACTION : 	'action',
		 * Holder for the Y.Node of the SELECT left-hand side "available" options.
		 * @property _optionNode
		 * @type Object
		 * @private
		_optionNode : null,		

		 * Holder for the Y.Node of the SELECT right-hand side "selected" or chosen options
		 * @property  _selectNode
		 * @type Object
		 * @private
		_selectNode : null,		
		 * Holder for the "action" click event handlers
		 * @property _eventHandles
		 * @type Array
		 * @private
		_eventHandles : [],		

		 * Holder for the Y.Button Widget instances (if "buttonType" === "ybutton" )
		 * @property {Array} _ybuttons
		 * @private
		_ybuttons : [],			
		 * Holder for the original OPTIONS order, to be used with "preserveOrder"  (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
		 * @property {Array} _optOrder
		 * @private
		_optOrder :[],
	/* ===================   Widget Public methods  =====================   */
		 * @method initializer
		 * @param config {Object} Configuration object literal for the Accordion
		 * @protected
        initializer: function( config ) {
        	this._eventHandles = [];
        	this._ybuttons = [];
        	this._optionNode = null;
        	this._selectNode = null;
			return true;

		 * @method destructor
		 * @protected
        destructor : function() {
		//  If Y.Buttons were created, destroy them 
       		Y.Array.each( this._ybuttons, function(item) {
		//  Clear out the button handlers
       		Y.Array.each( this._eventHandles, function(item) {
       	//  Clean-up and exit
       		this._optOrder.length = 0;
       		return true;

		 * @method renderUI
		 * @public
        renderUI : function() {
        // create the Select boxes and Buttons
		// load options, if defined.
			if ( this.get('options') ) this._loadOptions();
		// set focus to Left-hand side control 	
            this.fire( 'render' );

		 Method that binds the button pushes to their handlers.  Keep a reference to the handler 
		 in this._eventHandles so we can detach them later.
		 @method bindUI
        bindUI : function() {

        	if ( this.get('buttonType') === 'ybutton' ) {
        		var ybtn = this._ybuttons;
	        	if ( ybtn[0] ) this._eventHandles.push( ybtn[0].on("click", Y.bind( this._onButtonAll, this) )  );
	        	if ( ybtn[1] ) this._eventHandles.push( ybtn[1].on("click", Y.bind( this._onButtonOne, this) )  );
	        	if ( ybtn[2] ) this._eventHandles.push( ybtn[2].on("click", Y.bind( this._onButtonBack, this) )  );
	        	if ( ybtn[3] ) this._eventHandles.push( ybtn[3].on("click", Y.bind( this._onButtonAllBack, this) )  );
        	} else {
	        	var cbox = this.get('contentBox'),
	        		btna = cbox.one('.'+this.getClassName( this.CLASS_ACTION,'all')),
	        		btno = cbox.one('.'+this.getClassName( this.CLASS_ACTION,'one')),
	        		btnb = cbox.one('.'+this.getClassName( this.CLASS_ACTION,'rmv')),
	        		btnab = cbox.one('.'+this.getClassName( this.CLASS_ACTION,'rmvall'));
	        	if ( btna ) this._eventHandles.push( btna.on("click", Y.bind( this._onButtonAll, this) )  );
	        	if ( btno ) this._eventHandles.push( btno.on("click", Y.bind( this._onButtonOne, this) )  );
	        	if ( btnb ) this._eventHandles.push( btnb.on("click", Y.bind( this._onButtonBack, this) )  );
	        	if ( btnab ) this._eventHandles.push( btnab.on("click", Y.bind( this._onButtonAllBack, this) )  );
        	this.after( 'optionsChange', Y.bind(this._loadOptions, this ) );
        	this.after( 'selectionsChange', Y.bind(this._loadSelections, this ) );
			return true;        	

        syncUI : function() {

		 Method to clear the left-hand side "options" SELECT OPTIONS completely. 
		 @method clearOptions
		 @return true
		clearOptions : function() {
			this._optOrder.length = 0;
			return this._clearOptions( this._optionNode );

		 Method to clear the right-hand side "selections" SELECT OPTIONS completely. 
		 @method clearSelections
		 @return true
		clearSelections : function() {
			return this._clearOptions( this._selectNode );

		 * Returns the current items in the "right side" SELECT OPTIONS box.
		 * @method getSelections
		 * @public
		 * @return {Array} An array of options Objects, members are { value, text, title };
		getSelections : function() {
			var snode = this._selectNode,
				rtn   = [];
			snode.get("options").each( function(item,index) {
				rtn.push( { 
					value:	item.get('value'), 
					text:	item.get('text'), 
					title:	item.get('title') 
			return rtn;

	/* ===================   Widget Private methods  =====================   */

		 Method to create the DOM elements for this Widget, including two HTML <SELECT> elements,
		 and four BUTTONS to operate on the Widget.
		 The method uses the "template" attribute if set for positioning of the above UI elements,
		 if none is provided a default template is used.
		 @method _renderInput
		 @return true
		_renderInput : function() {
            var cbox = this.get("contentBox"),
            	tmpl = ( this.get("template") ) ? Y.one( this.get("template") ).getContent() : null;

			var widget_tmpl = tmpl || this.TMPL_control;	// use default if none provided ...

			cbox.addClass( this.getClassName() );
			var btna_html, btno_html, btnb_html, btnab_html, opt_html, sel_html;
        //  Create the HTML SELECT boxes ...
        	opt_html = fnReplacer( this.TMPL_inputs, {
        		size : this.get('selectSize'),
        		className : this.getClassName('options') + ' ' + this.get('optClassName')

        	sel_html = fnReplacer( this.TMPL_inputs, {
        		size : this.get('selectSize'),
        		className : this.getClassName('selected') + ' ' + this.get('selClassName')

        //  Create the BUTTONS ...
    		if ( this.get('buttonType') === 'htmlbutton' || this.get('buttonType') === 'ybutton' ) {
            	btna_html = this._createHtmlButton( 'all', 'actionLabelAll' );
            	btno_html = this._createHtmlButton( 'one', 'actionLabelOne' );
            	btnb_html = this._createHtmlButton( 'rmv', 'actionLabelRmv' );
            	btnab_html= this._createHtmlButton( 'rmvall', 'actionLabelRmvAll' );

    		if ( this.get('buttonType') === 'link' ) {
            	btna_html = this._createALinkButton( 'all', 'actionLabelAll' );
            	btno_html = this._createALinkButton( 'one', 'actionLabelOne' );
            	btnb_html = this._createALinkButton( 'rmv', 'actionLabelRmv' );
            	btnab_html= this._createALinkButton( 'rmvall', 'actionLabelRmvAll' );

       		if ( this.get('buttonType') === 'cssbutton' ) {
    			btna_html = this._createCssButton( 'all', null, 'actionLabelAll' );
    			btno_html = this._createCssButton( 'one', null, 'actionLabelOne' );
    			btnb_html = this._createCssButton( 'rmv', null, 'actionLabelRmv' );
    			btnab_html = this._createCssButton( 'rmvall', null, 'actionLabelRmvAll' );

        //  Populate the template
           	cbox.setContent( fnReplacer( widget_tmpl, {
        		OPTIONS_CONTAINER : 	opt_html || '',            		
        		SELECTIONS_CONTAINER: 	sel_html || '',
        		ACTION_ALL : 			btna_html || '',
        		ACTION_ONE : 			btno_html || '',
        		ACTION_BACK : 			btnb_html || '',
        		ACTION_ALLBACK : 		btnab_html || ''            		
        	}) );

		//  Get references to the nodes of the widget after they were created
        	this._optionNode = cbox.one('.'+this.getClassName('options'));
        	this._selectNode = cbox.one('.'+this.getClassName('selected'));
        	if ( this._optionNode && !this.get('optClassName') )
        		this._optionNode.setStyle('width', this.get('selectWidth') );

        	if ( this._selectNode && !this.get('selClassName') )
        		this._selectNode.setStyle('width', this.get('selectWidth') );
        	this._optionNode.getDOMNode().selectedIndex = -1;
        	this._selectNode.getDOMNode().selectedIndex = -1;

		// If Button widgets are reqd, go through and build them 
		//   now since the placeholders are in markup
    		if ( this.get('buttonType') === 'ybutton' ) {
            	this._ybuttons.push( this._createYButtonNode( cbox.one('.'+this.getClassName( this.CLASS_ACTION,'all')) ) );
            	this._ybuttons.push( this._createYButtonNode( cbox.one('.'+this.getClassName( this.CLASS_ACTION,'one')) ) );
            	this._ybuttons.push( this._createYButtonNode( cbox.one('.'+this.getClassName( this.CLASS_ACTION,'rmv')) ) );
            	this._ybuttons.push( this._createYButtonNode( cbox.one('.'+this.getClassName( this.CLASS_ACTION,'rmvall')) ) );
			return true;

		 Method to load the left-hand side "options" HTML <SELECT> element with the 
		 user-defined options array.
		 @method _loadOptions
		 @return {Number} options.length
		_loadOptions : function() {
			var onode = this._optionNode,
				onode_dom = onode.getDOMNode(),
				opts  =  this.get('options') || [];
		//  If already set, clear out the OPTIONS ...
			if ( opts ) {
		//  Loop over each one, adding it to the optionsNode 
			Y.Array.each( opts, function(item) {
				var sopt = this._optStdFormat( item ),		// returns "sopt" as standard {value, text, title} format							
 					new_opt = new Option( sopt.text, sopt.value, false, false );

 				if ( sopt.title ) new_opt.setAttribute('title', sopt.title );
 				if (  Y.UA.ie && Y.UA.ie<9 ) {
 					onode_dom.options[onode_dom.options.length] = new_opt;
 				} else
					onode.append( new_opt );
			//  If "stack" mode is set, then place the Option identifier in our sort array for later use.
				if ( this.get("stackMode") && this.get("preserveOrder") ) {
					this._optOrder.push( sopt.value || sopt.text ); 	
			}, this);
				obj: this,
				opts: opts
			return opts.length;

		 Method to clear the right-hand side "selections" OPTIONS completely. 
		 @method _clearOptions
		 @return true
		_clearOptions : function( ynode ) {
			ynode = ynode || this._optionNode;
			ynode.getDOMNode().options.length = 0;
			return true;

		 Method to load the right-hand side "selections" HTML <SELECT> element with the 
		 user-defined selections array.
		 @method _loadSelections
		 @return {Number} selections.length
		_loadSelections : function() {
			var snode = this._selectNode,
				snode_dom = snode.getDOMNode(),
				sopts  =  this.get('selections') || [];
		//  If already set, clear out the OPTIONS ...
			if ( sopts ) {
		//  Loop over each one, adding it to the optionsNode 
			Y.Array.each( sopts, function(item) {
				var sopt = this._optStdFormat( item ),		// returns "sopt" as standard {value, text, title} format							
 					new_opt = new Option( sopt.text, sopt.value, false, false );

 				if ( sopt.title ) new_opt.setAttribute('title', sopt.title );

 				if (  Y.UA.ie && Y.UA.ie<9 ) {
 					snode_dom.options[snode_dom.options.length] = new_opt;
 				} else
					snode.append( new_opt );

			}, this);
			return sopts.length;

		 Internal method to normalize the 'text', 'value', and 'title' data based upon the input 
		 "optionsMap" of the "options" attribute.  Returns an object that can be used directly by 
		 the JS new Option( text, value ) command.
		 @method _optStdFormat
		 @return {Object} An object that contains { value, text, title } for defining the JS Option
		_optStdFormat : function( item ) {
			var	omap    = this.get("optionsMap"),
				ovalue  = null,
				otext   = null,
				otitle  = null;
			if ( Lang.isObject(item) ) {
				ovalue = item[ omap.value ] || null;
				otext  = item[ omap.text ] || null;
				otitle = item[ omap.title ] || null;
			} else {
				ovalue = item;
				otext  = item;

		// If the option "value" is not set, set it as the "text"				
			ovalue = ovalue || otext;

			return { value:ovalue, text:otext, title:otitle };			

		 Internal method intended to return the provided opt_node object back to the "options" 
		 SELECT OPTION in the original defined order. 
		 This would only be used for "stackMode" and "preserveOrder" true. 
		 @method _returnOptionPerOrder
		_returnOptionPerOrder : function( opt_node ) {
			var onode = this._optionNode,
				snode = this._selectNode,
				order = this.get("preserveOrder");
			var optValue = opt_node.get('value'),
				optText  = opt_node.get('text');
			var okey = optValue || optText || null;
			if ( okey && this.get("preserveOrder") && this.get("stackMode") ) {
				var oindex = this._optOrder.indexOf(opt_node);

		 Creates a Y.Button object by using the input "bnode" as the srcNode of the Button.
		 @method _createYButtonNode
		 @param {String || Node} bnode,  The Node of the HTML <button> to use to create Y.Button 
		 @return {Y.Button} object
        _createYButtonNode : function( bnode ) {
            var btn = new Y.Button({
            	srcNode : bnode
            return btn;

		 Creates an HTML <button> object that can be used with the "cssbutton" module of 3.5.0.
		 Uses the internal "TMPL_cssbtn" property as a template for the HTML. 
		 The cssButton design uses a <span> to specify the location of the IMG, on either the 
		 right or left side of the button contents (i.e. "Click Me").
		 So this method defines either lcontent or rcontent to specify which side of the "content" 
		 the IMG is defined on.
		 @method _createCssButton
		 @param {String} subname, The sub-class name to be added to the button class		 
		 @param {String} lcontent, The sub-class name to add to the left-hand side IMG span class		 
		 @param {String} rcontent, The sub-class name to add to the right-hand side IMG span class		 
		 @return {HTML} code for <button> element
        _createCssButton : function( subname, lcontent, rcontent  ) {
        	var left = ( lcontent ) ? this.get(lcontent) : '';
        	var right = ( rcontent ) ? this.get(rcontent) : '';
           	return fnReplacer( this.TMPL_cssbtn, {
           		className : this.getClassName( this.CLASS_ACTION, subname ),
           		subName : 	subname,
           		lcontent : 	left || '',
           		rcontent : 	right || ''

		 Creates an HTML <button> object that will be inserted into the template.  The "subname" 
		 is a sub-class name to be appended to the <button> class to identify it.
		 Uses the internal "TMPL_button" property as a template for the HTML. 
		 @method _createHtmlButton
		 @param {String} subname,  The sub-class name to be appended to the "class" for this button 
		 @param {String} content,  The contents of the button face (i.e. "Click Me")
		 @return {HTML} code for <button> element
        _createHtmlButton : function( subname, content ) {
           	return fnReplacer( this.TMPL_button, {
            		'content' : this.get(content),
            		className : this.getClassName( this.CLASS_ACTION, subname ) + ' ' 

		 Creates an HTML <a> link object that will be inserted into the template.  The "subname" 
		 is a sub-class name to be appended to the <a> class to identify it.  Uses the internal 
		 "TMPL_alink" property as a template for the HTML. 
		 @method _createALinkButton
		 @param {String} subname,  The sub-class name to be appended to the "class" for this item 
		 @param {String} content,  The contents of the <a> text node (i.e. "Click Me")
		 @return {HTML} code for <button> element
        _createALinkButton : function( subname, content ) {
           	return fnReplacer( this.TMPL_alink, {
            		'content' : this.get(content),
            		className : this.getClassName( this.CLASS_ACTION, subname ) + ' ' 

		 Returns all of the HTML <select> OPTIONS, as an array of objects containing an index, optionObject 
		 format.  This is really intended to return the right-hand side "selections" Options element, 
		 irregardless of whether an Option is "selected" / highlighted or not.
		 @method _getSelectedOptions
		 @param {String} sel_node,  The SELECT object to get all options of (whether "selected" flag is set or not) 
		 @return {Array} of Object containing the right-option elements as {index, optionObj} format
		_getSelectedOptions : function( sel_node ) {
			var rtn = [];
			sel_node.get('options').each( function( item,index){
				if ( item.get('selected') === true ) 
					rtn.push({ 'index':index, optionObj:item} ); 
			return rtn;

		 Utility function to avoid duplicate adding an option to the right-hand side "selections" Options element. 
		 This method checks if the "opt_node" already exists in the "selections" Options, if so it returns TRUE, 
		 if not it returns FALSE.
		 @method _selOptionExists
		 @param {Node} opt_node,  The Option node to check for existence. 
		 @return true or false,  If the opt_node already exists in the Options array
		_selOptionExists : function( opt_node ) {
			var snode = this._selectNode,
				oval  = opt_node.get('value'),
				rtn	  = false;
			snode.get('options').some(function(item) {
				if ( item.get('value') === oval ) {
					rtn = true;
					return true;
			return rtn;

		 The "Add All" button click handler. 
		 Adds all of the "Available" options to the "selected" Options, checking to avoid duplicates.
		 This method checks if the Widget is a "stack", if so, it moves the Option from left to right.
		 @method _onButtonAll
		 @param {EventHandle} e,  The button's Eventhandle from the button .on "click" event 
		 @return nothing
		_onButtonAll : function(e) {
			var onode = this._optionNode,
				snode = this._selectNode,
				onode_opts = onode.get('options');
			onode_opts.each( function(item) {
				if ( this._selOptionExists(item) ) return;	// if option exists in "selected", bail
				if ( this.get('stackMode') ) 
					snode.append( item );
					snode.append( item.cloneNode(true) );
			}, this);
			this.fire( 'clickAll', {
				evt: 	e, 
				opts: 	onode_opts

		 The "Add One" button click handler. 
		 Adds the DOM selected option(s) from the "Available" options to the right-hand side HTML <select>, 
		 checking to avoid duplicates. This method checks if the Widget is a "stack", if so, it moves the 
		 Option from left to right.
		 @method _onButtonOne
		 @param {EventHandle} e,  The button's Eventhandle from the button .on "click" event 
		 @return nothing
		_onButtonOne : function(e) {
			var onode = this._optionNode,
				snode = this._selectNode;
			var osel = this._getSelectedOptions( onode );
			Y.Array.each( osel, function(item) {
				item.optionObj.set('selected', false);
				if ( this._selOptionExists(item.optionObj) ) return;	// if option exists in "selected", bail

				if ( this.get('stackMode') ) 
					snode.append( item.optionObj );				
					snode.append( item.optionObj.cloneNode(true) );
			}, this);
			this.fire('clickOne', {
				evt:	e,
				opts:	osel				

		 The "Remove One" button click handler. 
		 Removes the DOM selected option(s) from the "Selections" right-side options.  This method checks if the 
		 Widget is a "stack", if so, it moves the Option from right to left, otherwise it destroys it.
		 @method _onButtonBack
		 @param {EventHandle} e,  The button's Eventhandle from the button .on "click" event 
		 @return nothing
		_onButtonBack : function(e) {
			var onode = this._optionNode,
				snode = this._selectNode;
			var ssel = this._getSelectedOptions( snode );
			Y.Array.each( ssel, function(item) {
				item.optionObj.set('selected', false);
				if ( this.get('stackMode') ) 
					onode.append( item.optionObj );				
			}, this);
			this.fire('clickRemove', {
				evt:	e,
				opts:	ssel

		 The "Remove All" button click handler. 
		 Removes all of the option(s) from the "Selections" right-side options.  This method checks if the 
		 Widget is a "stack", if so, it moves the Option from right to left, otherwise it destroys it.

		 @method _onButtonAllBack
		 @param {EventHandle} e,  The button's Eventhandle from the button .on "click" event 
		 @return nothing
		_onButtonAllBack : function(e) {
			var onode = this._optionNode,
				snode = this._selectNode,
				snode_opts = snode.get('options');
			snode_opts.each( function(item) {
				if ( this.get('stackMode') ) 
					onode.append( item );
			}, this);
				evt:	e,
				opts:	snode_opts


	Y.PickList = PickList;