YUI3 Tooltip and Popover

Contextual Tooltips and popovers

What is it?

Y.Twipsy is a tooltip for the YUI3 Library. It is built to replicate the functionality of Twipsy, the popular tooltip used in Twitter's Bootstrap.

Y.Popover is a node plugin that extends Y.Twipsy, and provides the ability to create popovers for content. Click for a popover demo.

Fork from Github

What features are supported?

Currently Y.Twipsy tooltip supports the following:

YTwipsy is built as a Y.Node plugin and it's goal is to be as lightweight as possible.

What about the popover?

Y.Popover extends Y.Twipsy and has the feature set of Y.Twipsy. In addition it currently supports passing in a title. Additional features are planned. Let me know if you have any ideas on Github.

See it in action

Hover over the links below to see Twipsy in action.

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